5 reasons why you could use a men's group in your life


Here at Portland Mental Wellness, I hear peoples’ stories. I hear about their biggest vulnerabilities and what they hope for and dream about.

I want to address men here briefly: men are hurting. It’s becoming pretty obvious. We all see the extremes in society — mass shootings, emotional and physical violence against others and themselves, increased suicide rates and drug abuse. That’s why I think there’s a need for a men’s group. Here are 5 reasons why you could use one in your life:


1. While you may have male friends, you still feel a sense of loneliness — like there’s a barrier between you and your friends truly connecting on a deep level that is meaningful and fulfilling.

2. You think of yourself as a modern man and yet expectations of you as a man in your family, work environment, and friendships are changing...and fast.

3. You want to develop and grow as a person but you don’t think you’re really the therapy type. In fact, the thought of sitting and talking to someone on a couch for an hour is unappealing.

4. Your life is demanding and you’re pulled in many directions — career, family, and life obligations. You find yourself thinking that there isn’t any space for you.

5. You can see that gendered issues deserve attention but you feel lost...and frankly a little self-conscious.


The essence of Portland Mental Wellness’ men’s group, Modern Man, is to confront and resolve these issues.

90 minutes a week for 10 weeks at 7pm on Tuesdays.

A small group of men who share the same concerns and desire to grow.

A safe space to learn about yourself through a shared experience.

So what are you waiting for? Modern Man begins October 2 at Portland Mental Wellness.

Be well. Ryan