Enroll in Modern Man this spring


It’s a bit mind-blowing that March 1st is just a week and a half away — 2019 is flying by! The winter cohort for Modern Man, our men’s group aimed at helping men confront and resolve the challenges involved with navigating contemporary masculinity, is nearing the end of its 10-week engagement. Much like the fall cohort, the weekly sessions seem to have flown by for this latest group of men.

There are consistent themes emerging as I continue these cohorts.

  1. Men are not quite clear on what a men’s group is.

  2. They’re definitely not clear on what to expect.

  3. They’re apprehensive on how it might help them.

  4. They discover within a short time period after beginning just exactly what it is they’ve been missing.

It’s hard for many people of any gender to ask for help but our societal construct makes it particularly difficult for men. The reality is that many men are in need of help and support in a space that feels safe. A men’s group aims to address the latent needs of men — those that are difficult for men to articulate but are causing a significant level of discomfort in their lives resulting in a reduced quality of life.

As was the case in the fall cohort, none of the winter Modern Man participants had ever attended a group before and didn’t know what to expect. However, they expressed that they suspected that men could do this work but it was just a question of a safe space. All they needed was the space and some guidance and the work is well underway. Not only that but just as with the fall cohort, the winter cohort has developed camaraderie and trust as we’ve covered each week’s themes.

It’s not surprising that each cohort has communicated their apprehension at the start — there’s certainly a level of courage in signing up for a 10-week obligation where one will be guided to be vulnerable with a small group of men they’ve never met. All that said, the experience of Modern Man repeatedly proves to be a valuable one.

What do you say? Is this the kind of experience you’ve been in search of for yourself or a loved one?

A new Modern Man men’s group will begin on April 2, 2019.

90 minutes a week for 10 weeks at 7pm on Tuesdays.

A small group of men with a shared goal of growth and development.

Click the button below to schedule your initial 60-minute screening consultation and orientation. The cost of this consultation is $65. Each of the 10 sessions are $25 but a 10% discount will be applied if the full 10-week course is paid up front.