In Oregon we’re now in the second week of working from home and the weather has taken a turn from gorgeous spring days with blue skies and sunshine to grey, rain, and a chill. In addition, Governor Brown issued a “stay home, stay healthy” order yesterday asking that all Oregonians stay home except for the essentials, such as medical care and getting groceries (although there are a plethora of grocery delivery options in the Portland area). All of these elements are bound to weigh on our ability to manage through the stress of the Coronavirus pandemic.
One of the approaches we use for treatment in sessions at Portland Mental Wellness is Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, or ACT. We use it because we find that it’s adaptable, is incredibly beneficial for those who value creating purpose and meaning, and it helps people to have a much healthier self-concept. Dr Russ Harris, who wrote The Happiness Trap and is an expert on ACT, has put together a free ebook using the principles of ACT to help people effectively respond to the Coronavirus. In working to provide as many resources as possible to help people navigate this stressful time, we thought we would share it on the blog. You can download the 12 page ebook here.
In our previous posts we’ve provided some tips aligned to what Dr Harris has outlined and although they may seem simple, they are effective. These are trying times and getting back to the basics will help each of us weather this storm. Below is a quick glimpse of what you will discover in more depth in the ebook.
F = Focus on what’s in your control
A = Acknowledge your thoughts and feelings
C = Come back into your body
E = Engage in what you’re doing
C = Committed action
O = Opening up
V = Values
I = Identify resources
D = Disinfect and distance
We know many are struggling at this time — it’s natural to feel heightened anxiety right now. We hope that this will be a welcome addition to the tools you’ve already enlisted. We’re here (via telemental health) if you need us.
Be well.